Autor: Traian STIRBAT
Editura: CugetareaCod ISSN: 973-95314-3-1, pp. 16-23 Abstract: Appeared as a result of several techniques (electronics, automatics and informatics), artificial intelligence has, nowadays, become a fact. Time limits the cognitive and the action abilities of the human being, considered individually; so, intelligent machines represent a means which, due to their performance, replace some of the functions of the brain. If we consider the discursiveness of thinking by bits, then, as compared to certain fragments (such as speed, memorization, reproduction, storage, computing), the computer proves to be superior. This is why, in so far as computing and formal deductions are concerned, thinking generally transfers itself, by means of the computer, from the domains of the virtual into that of reality. This way, machines and people transmit one another a reciprocal inspiration. Building intelligent machines has required good knowledge about human intelligence. In this context, the author attempts an explanation of the ambiguity in which lies the concept of natural intelligence and, implicitly, that of artificial intelligence, both concepts covering fields that have changing margins. The complementary advance of the methods employed has as consequence a better knowledge of the structural pattern of the artificial intelligence and a better use of the resources of the natural intelligence. Even if the formal part of the natural intelligence can be artificially accomplished, the results obtained so far testify to the impossibility to reduce the natural to the artificial, a fact that should not be regarded as a motive for despair or as an occasion for a vain parade of the superiority of the human brain. We thus ascertain that, if the endosomatic evolution of the brain is hard to foresee, its exosomatic development (i.e. the artificial intelligence) is a sure process, which will deepen along with the collaboration among intelligent people and intelligent machines, collaboration which, due to the consequences that can appear, has to advance cautiously, and not elatedly. In the man – machine dispute, the main part belongs to the man, as long as he does not dehumanize himself. |
Ultima actualizare în Joi, 11 Noiembrie 2010 11:42 |